Prayer Breakfast

Join us for good food, fellowship and prayer at our monthly Prayer Breakfast.

Epiphany Sunday

Our guest speaker is Charlene Small, Co-Pastor at Ripple Mennonite Church in Allentown. Pastor Charlene is a licensed minister with certification in Biblical Counseling and a degree in Arts and Religion. She received her license as a missionary from Gravelhill Missionary Baptist Church in Newark, NJ, where she first developed… Read more“Epiphany Sunday”

New Beginnings Senior Luncheon

All those 60+ are invited to lunch and fellowship.  Please call the church office (215-536-7468) if you are a regular who can’t come, or a first timer who can!

Candlelight Service

Promises made, promises kept A service of scripture and song, prayer and praising–ending with the traditional “Silent night” candle lighting

Men’s Bible Study

All men are invited to this informal Bible study.  Food is usually involved.  (The Bible study group can often be found having breakfast at Spors in Trumbauersville non-study Saturdays.)

Sunday Lunch Bunch

Join the bunch for lunch and fellowship after the worship service at Joan Hallman’s house.  Call the church office (215-536-7468) if you need Joan’s address.

Baked Goods Bingo

Join us for a fun night with family to support those in need in our community and beyond. Doors open at 4, Kitchen opens at 4, Bingo begins at 5. $5 per game pack sold at the door (10 games included in pack). There’s a homemade baked good prize for… Read more“Baked Goods Bingo”


The knotters are taking a break, but you can still come quilt with us!