Join us for a time of food, fellowship and prayer.
Archives: Events
Quilting & Knotting
The quilting & knotting rooms are open every Tuesday. Come as you can in the morning between 8 and noon to join either group. We’ve got the needles and scissors and only need your willing hands. Knotters take a snack break around 10 am.
Senior Luncheon
All those 60+ are invited to lunch and fellowship with Pastor Kathy. This is the last luncheon that Pastor Kathy will attend. The next luncheon will be June 6.
Sunday Lunch Bunch
Quilting & Knotting
The quilting & knotting rooms are open every Tuesday. Come as you can in the morning between 8 and noon to join either group. We’ve got the needles and scissors and only need your willing hands. Knotters take a snack break around 10 am.
Quilting & Knotting
The quilting & knotting rooms are open every Tuesday. Come as you can in the morning between 8 and noon to join either group. We’ve got the needles and scissors and only need your willing hands. Knotters take a snack break around 10 am.
Maundy Thursday Service
Join us for a simple meal of soup and bread, an observance of communion and a journey to the cross and tomb as Jesus dies to take away our sins.
Easter Dawn Service
Celebrate the Risen Lord with us! The service will be in our Pavilion (weather permitting), followed by breakfast in the Fellowship Hall.
Men’s Bible Study
All men are invited to this Bible study time that includes breakfast (of some sort).
Quilting & Knotting
The quilting & knotting rooms are open every Tuesday. Come as you can in the morning between 8 and noon to join either group. We’ve got the needles and scissors and only need your willing hands. Knotters take a snack break around 10 am.