Quilting & Knotting

All are welcome to come knot or quilt any time between 8 and noon. Beginners encouraged! Snack break around 10 am.

Men-O-Lan Sunday

Join us at our annual Worship Service at Camp Men-O-Lan (get directions here).  We worship in the auditorium at 10:30. Lunch is at 12 pm, followed by games, time at the waterslide and lake, and just all around enjoyment and fellowship. Hope you can come!

Quilting & Knotting

All are welcome to come knot or quilt any time between 8 and noon. Beginners encouraged! Snack break around 10 am.

Miller Blood Drive

From 3:30-7:30. Contact Jodie at 215-804-5400 to set up an appointment to donate blood.

Ten Thousand Villages Service Trip

Leave from the church parking lot @7:15 to arrive at the Brownstown Warehouse by 9. We serve by pricing and packaging crafts made by artisans from about 30 underdeveloped countries. Home around 5 pm.

Quilting & Knotting

All are welcome to come knot or quilt any time between 8 and noon. Beginners encouraged! Snack break around 10 am.

Quilting & Knotting

All are welcome to come knot or quilt any time between 8 and noon. Beginners encouraged! Snack break around 10 am.

SWAP Sunday

Following their week in Kimball, WV, our five-member SWAP (Sharing With Appalachian People) team will share about their experience.

Guest Speaker: Emily Rush

Emily Rush will speak on the practices of the Colombian churches and faith-based organizations which are working for social, political, economic and spiritual transformation in the Colombian context. She will be sharing information and insights that she gathered on a learning tour to Colombia in May.

Senior Luncheon

All those 60+ are invited to an Indoor Picnic. Join Pastor Kathy for food and fellowship.