Miller Blood Drive

From 3:30-7:30. Contact Jodie at 215-804-5400 to set up an appointment to donate blood.

Ten Thousand Villages Service Trip

Leave from the church parking lot @7:15 to arrive at the Brownstown Warehouse by 9. We serve by pricing and packaging crafts made by artisans from about 30 underdeveloped countries. Home around 5 pm.

Quilting & Knotting

All are welcome to come knot or quilt any time between 8 and noon. Beginners encouraged! Snack break around 10 am.

Quilting & Knotting

All are welcome to come knot or quilt any time between 8 and noon. Beginners encouraged! Snack break around 10 am.

SWAP Sunday

Following their week in Kimball, WV, our five-member SWAP (Sharing With Appalachian People) team will share about their experience.

Guest Speaker: Emily Rush

Emily Rush will speak on the practices of the Colombian churches and faith-based organizations which are working for social, political, economic and spiritual transformation in the Colombian context. She will be sharing information and insights that she gathered on a learning tour to Colombia in May.

Senior Luncheon

All those 60+ are invited to an Indoor Picnic. Join Pastor Kathy for food and fellowship.

Quilting & Knotting

We knot comforters, and a few of us quilt, every Tuesday morning from 8 am to noon. You are welcome to come for any amount of time.

Quilting & Knotting

We knot comforters, and a few of us quilt, every Tuesday morning from 8 am to noon. You are welcome to come for any amount of time.

Sunday Lunch Bunch

Join Pastor Kathy for lunch and fellowship after the worship service. This time Earl Miller will be making the meal.  Contact the church office for directions.