Choir practice

Choir practice begins on Wednesday Sept. 14. All voices welcome!

Worship in the Pavilion

Members of the Shelly Family will be here (after their Saturday reunion), including Karl Shelly who will give the morning message. Picnic table seating, or you can bring lawn chairs.

Sunday Lunch Bunch

Join Pastor Kathy for a light lunch and fellowship at her house after the worship service.

Quilting & Knotting

Join the knotters and quilters anytime between 8 and noon, every Tuesday morning!

Quilting & Knotting

Come anytime between 8 am and noon to knot comforters or to quilt. Enjoy a snack break around 10.

Men-O-Lan Sunday

Our annual worship service and picnic at Men-O-Lan. We’ll be joined by our sisters and brothers from Solidarity & Harmony Church of Philadelphia. Worship at 10:30, followed be lunch and activities (like the water slide!).