Pig Roast

Reserve your tickets by June 11. $10/person; children 12 & under are free (but please still include them in your RSVP). Check out the Anniversary page for info on ALL the weekend activities.


Kick off our 300th Anniversary Weekend Celebration around the campfire!  Talk with old friends, sing songs, and roast marshmallows for S’mores.


Unite! To Underscore the Area’s Need to Address Heroin/Opioid Abuse Check out these links to find out more about the schedule, the activities and the purpose: http://www.facebook.com/UniteQuakertown/ http://www.qumc.com/  

Sunday Lunch Bunch

Join Pastor Kathy for a light lunch and fellowship after Sunday’s worship service.

Hot Dog Social

We’re doing everything BIG this year, so our annual Hot Dog Social has been moved to Gwilliams’ Ladybug Farm, just down the road from the church. Park at church and get shuttled to the farm on a hay wagon pulled by Madison’s purple tractor.  Parking is available in Gwilliams’ front… Read more“Hot Dog Social”

Guest Speaker Jim Amstutz

Jim Amstutz, who pastored West Swamp from 1994-2001, will give the message “Rooted & Grounded in Love.”

Sunday Brunch

The Social Committee is serving brunch & breakfast casseroles, plus there will be fruit and breakfast cake-type items. Food & fellowship you won’t want to miss!

Sunday Lunch Bunch

Join Pastor Kathy for lunch and fellowship after the worship service. This month it’s at Dominick’s in Quakertown. http://dominicks-pizza.com/